Hello again,

Back at the keyboard after wrapping up the Winter ETAI conference, I’m here to report to those of you who missed it, that it was definitely worthwhile devoting a vacation day to attend. Hosted by the Foreign Literatures and Linguistics department at Ben Gurion University, we enjoyed a delightful day of interesting sessions on widely varied topics in English teaching. Dr. Judy Steiner spoke to us about redefining our classrooms in the 21st century, and provided us with much food for thought about effective use of the technology, which is second nature for our students. Professor Yishai Tobin’s enlightening talk cleared up some misunderstandings about auxiliary verbs and their meanings, and Dr. Elisheva Barkon helped us understand what is required to get our students to be fluent readers, a common goal for all of us.

We are grateful to the many teachers, who volunteered to give workshops and talks, which all who attended enjoyed. As usual, the publishers came out in full force, and there was a huge array of textbooks, varied teaching materials and games, and extensive reading books – available for browsing all day. (more)